Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Last of Maine

Soooooooooooo, Maine is photogenic...

The "Rock Garden" - Swans Island used to be a huge source of granite, so there are huge rocks still littered everywhere

Looking back towards Knotsowyde from the Rock Garden

The afgan my mom is knitting us...we bought some yarn in Italy on our honeymoon last year and she is using that and a bunch of other kinds to make this for us....

Look how well it matches my new fall purse

Some moss on the way to the Top of the World - I think it looks like yarn. Like someone knitted a sweater with it.

A moose that sits in the top of the living room window in my parents house. I liked him.

Mom in the window seat Dad made for her in their bedroom.

The only wedding picture displayed on my folks' mantle. I love it. It's so "us".

Fuzzy flowers

A Lobster mailbox.

The only "grocery store" on the island.

It's about the size of a mini mart at a gas station. But they are well stocked

Local sea salt. Please.

And not a ton of Tuscan pesto in your average gas station. So, they are doing ok for themselves.

Clearly, I took a TON of pictures of the dogs.

Sleepy Tobe

Sleepy or not, even in the hustle and bustle...he just stays put.

Which is quiet the contrast to Hayley.

Even when she's "resting", she's watching you and hoping you're headed her way to play

And she's eyeing Dad's breakfast. But what dog wouldn't?

Tobe catches some breeze

Tobe's closeup

As we were leaving on Sunday...the ferry guys in the foreground...Mom & Dad are the tiny specks waving in the background watching us go...

We had a terrific trip, quick though it was. I have to say, I was sad to go. And it made me want to live closer to Mom & Dad. Maybe some day..... I would like that.

And then, at 6am the next morning, I was off to Arizona for a week of vacation......

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