Thursday, October 22, 2009


We saw this sign in Arizona. I feel it describes us this week. Geoff and I have taken turns flip flopping roles. He is getting over a cold. I had a rough day at work on Monday. He had a rough day at work on Tuesday. We spent yesterday trying to achieve a little equilibrium. Though there were jackhammers outside our window this morning at 7am, which may have catapulted Geoff back into the grouch column. Of course, as he pointed out, I was the crazy person running around the apartment last night at midnight trying on dresses for an opening, getting overheated, turning on the AC, freaking out about random bruises on my leg that I feared were varicose veins and generally talking a blue streak with an energy that had previously been missing from my day. So...maybe we are still switching off roles.

Well, here's hoping this sign will no longer apply by the end of the week.

I still think it's funny though.

1 comment:

Christy said...


oh man, that sounds SO much like our house...or maybe there's only one grouch in our house (???) and Brian's far too optimistic to fit that role... :)