Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Snake Cake

Just 'cause it was so impressive....I have no idea how my sister-in-law actually did this. And yes, his tongue is made of chocolate. Please.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Accidental Paparazzi

So during Sunday in the Park with Geoff a few weekends ago, I spotted this adorable dog, just snoozing at his master's feet. Super cute.

Took a couple of shots of him and noticed the owner was watching me, so I stopped. Didn't want him to think I was an actual dog stalker (even though I really am). It wasn't until we were uploading the photos that we realized that the owner was possibly Conan O'Brien. He does live on the Upper West Side. But the more we looked at him, we convinced ourselves it wasn't him after all. This was mostly due to a profile picture we got of him where it looked less like him, which we of course have since deleted, so I can't double check it again. But last night, we saw the beginning of a rerun of his show just as we were turning off the TV to go to bed. And really think it might have been him. And that's possibly why he was giving us The Eye. He thought we were actual paparazzi. Sorry Conan, it was all about your dog.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maya Turns 3

We went to CT last weekend for Maya's 3rd birthday. She is our niece, and was the flower girl at our wedding. She is an animal lover to the MAX. We made a parade of them.

It was quite the bash. And the kids couldn't be cuter. At one point, when her mom asked her to come have her picture taken, Maya said she couldn't leave her animals. And then in a small voice said, "They would be sad if I left". Further proof that Maya and I are quite alike. I used to think that all things had feelings. My dolls, trees and various other inanimate objects. In fact, I could tell you the emotions of every single animal in this parade that we made. So, that, the crazy hair, the emotional-ness, the love of animals, and just a touch of bossiness makes Maya practically my pint-sided twin. I'm getting a good idea of what my future daughter would be like, I think.

Loved this one of Kayla, the birthday girl's younger sister (who will be 1 in April). So troubled! And yet so cute.

And there are a ton more pictures, including a Snake Cake (comeplete with chocolate forked tounge. quite twisty and impressive, no idea how Liz made it), but that's all the time we have for today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mini Tantrum

Rough day at work yesterday. Stressful and overwhelming. Came home last night, and told Geoff I was going to throw myself on the bed in frustration. Which I did. And he, wonderful husband that he is, just laid there with me, stroked my hair and listened to me rattle off a list of things I was stressed/worried/upset about. Some legit and some irrational. (And one of which being how I have no time to blog...hence my MIA-ness). And he just listened. And I felt better just saying it out loud. The old cliche is true, sometimes you just want to be listened to. And that in itself fixes things. Cause half the things I was stressed about have gotten fixed or are on their way to being fixed. The work related things anyway. And that's a start.

Here is a video that helped me smile today. It's the little things that can get you through.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"Don't ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive."

- Howard Thurman

Since I've had a week at work when I haven't been swamped out of my mind, I've been doing a lot of blog-reading. And a lot of thinking. So many of my friends are so passionate about very interesting and important issues. Courtney has a thing for clean water in Africa. Which is amazing. And she (among others with a similar passion) have raised money (through their blogs, through selling bags and shirts and headbands and whatever else) to dig new wells for people in Africa through charity:water. Such an amazing thing. And Robyn - passionate about human trafficking (which happens a lot more than anyone really knows about), writes to her local morning TV show when they do a related piece, about how 70% of the world's chocolate comes from West Africa where over 12,000 children are in slave labor, and shouldn't the morning show do a piece about what we can do to help. Also amazing. And of course, Stephen, who has a job that provides medical research and health initiatives in the Congo.

So many issues in the world. And so many of my friends have personal attachments to one or more of them. Africa, clean water, adoption, free trade, public policy, poverty, children with cancer, slave labor.... And I've just been thinking about it a lot lately. All of it. And wondering....I read about all these things and am moved by many of them and care about them to varying degrees, and think its so great that people are passionate about them. But they are not MY passion. And for a few days I felt slightly...lost. And bored and pointless. And it made me wonder what my passion is. Do I have one? I briefly felt bad about not feeling led to start a food drive, or write a letter to my senator, or take a trip to Africa or....any of those things. But my thoughts quickly pulled away from guilt and worry, and on to just plain wondering. Knowing that I am where I am for a reason and that my life doesn't need to look like anyone elses, so why should my gifts and passions? It became more of a curiosity and a pondering than anything else.

What am I passionate about? Mostly? Three things come to mind. Photography. Not quite sure how that can save the world, but it certainly can be a gift to others. Dogs. Animal Rescue is certainly something I could get behind. I would have 10 dogs if I could. And then I worry that I'll accidentally become a hoarder (like they talk about on DogTown). My friends. Listening to them and knowing them and offering counsel, support and prayer.

So...I'm still thinking about how that will all play out. And I've been thinking a lot about the Howard Thurman quote above, which Geoff came across last week. It seems to speak to some of my thoughts. Not as an excuse to be self-serving. But as a reminder to myself that the best we can do for ourselves and others, is to be authentic. I think that's the first step.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Since you asked...

Frank is the manager of our building. Ifan, we have recently learned, is the super. I dont know who I thought he was, cause he's out front every morning sweeping up leaves or watering flowers or helping Frank fix doors or other such projects. We'd only ever really talked to Frank, so whenever we had a problem with the apartment, we called him.

Well, a few weeks ago, our toilet broke. As in, pipe separated from the wall and all the new clean water sprayed all over the bathroom, instead of filling up the toilet bowl after flushing. Could have been worse, (since things needing to be flushed went down fine) but still, not fun to deal with since it happened on Saturday night at 11pm. So we called Frank, like we always have. Multiple times. No answer. Attempted to fix it ourselves. (Definately some laughter involved when water continued to go everywhere). Called again several times on Sunday morning and finally got him. He said he'd send someone. So a few moments later Ifan showed up and fixed it. Then he finally asked, why didn't we come see him instead of calling Frank, since he's the super? Geoff and I looked at each other in shock. "You mean we're supposed to call you instead of Frank?" We've lived here for a year and no one ever told us this. And the reason we think he hates us is that when we call Frank with our problems, Frank (Ifan's boss) thinks Ifan isn't doing his job and Ifan gets in trouble.

Hence, Ifan thinking we are idiots/hating us. Geoff wondered if we could get him a present. That makes me feel weird (read: insecure/paranoid) a little bit. So, we're going to stick with him hating us. I'm fine with it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My First Time

Kind of cool. My name has been in the NY Times. In the Sunday Arts section. You have to click on the photo to actually see it.

It's small, but it's there.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Don't worry - Love is Alive outside our building. Happy Valentines Day from Frank (the building manager), Ifan (our super, who hates us) and Victor, (the Huge Hot Air Valentine Bear).

Victor has an actual hole in his heart. Which is either caused by:

a) the fact that he's not with you
b) too much fried food
c) the fact that he's been trotted out to sit on that rock for too many years and is just damn old

P.S. you know you can't wait 'til St Patrick's Day.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ok, what I've learned in the last few days is that reading other peoples blogs can be really fun. Totally fascinating. Whether I know them or not. I've been particularly interested in seeing other people's photography blogs. Very very fun. The only drawback being, when you're reading all these other blogs, you don't actually have time to write your own blog. Which is kind of half the point. So..... Sorry. Sorry that I am finding other people more interesting than myself at the moment. But I've been having a Thought or two. And I will post them soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday in the Park with Geoff

We had a lovely weekend. Truly truly lovely. The first weekend in a long time were I felt like we really had a weekend. Fun, rest, and quality time was involved. We saw movies and tried a new wine bar down the block from our house, which was quite nice. The wine bar itself was fine, perfectly pleasant, AND has windows that I bet will make it like an open air café in the spring & summer, but it was the fact that it was impromptu, and like a little date, and we really talked to each other. Like, really Talked. About things we were thinking and feeling. It's amazing how hard it is to make that happen on a daily basis. So I'm super grateful for it.

And so Sunday dawned, and when we checked the weather and saw that it was going to be a high of 57 at 10am but would be cooling off after around 3pm, we literally jumped out of bed to get ready for our Day of Fun. We headed into the city and oddly enough, when we got off the bus at 57th & 5th, it was cold, and cloudy and started to rain. Um. What? It passed quickly and we headed into the park. We took lots o' pictures. Shocking, I know.

Love these cute friends...

We walked around a bit snapping things here and there. I was kind of obsessed with this couple. Or at least with her boots.

And this woman with her stroller

And this bridge/stairs/arches

And we came upon Cyril in the park, having a snack (and I consequently had a dream last night that we woke up this morning to him doing this at the end of our bed).

And we came upon these people making their own movie of some kind.

And then we sat on a bench in the sun and watched the world go by. And Geoff snapped this series of this couple, which I LOVE.

Then, ready to warm up (it didn't really feel quite like 57 degrees after all) we walked from Central Park southwest a few blocks to Rosa Mexicana for a late lunch. Which was YUM. And on the way there was this awesome patch of sunlight on the sidewalk as we passed Lincoln Center. And Geoff took some awesome shots of me. I love him for his talent of always shooting me from flattering angles. He must love me or something.

The sun was clearly awesome. And he pointed out that the reasons his shots on this block turned out better than some of mine, all had to do with where I was standing when he took them. There was a mirrored awning that was right in front of me which the sunlight bounced off of to light my face AND yet still have me backlit. He always makes me feel like a real actual model. Which is fun. Considering that I am not.

After lunch we headed to the dog park at 72nd and Riverside Park, in the hopes of seeing some cute puppies. Which we did.

Heading home over the Queensboro Bridge

Then we headed home and enjoyed the late afternoon sunlight in our bedroom. A lovely end to a lovely day.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fridays are for Laughing

I'm sure most of you guys have seen this by now, but I just saw it for the first time yesterday. And I love it. I want Gladys to live next door. Apparently she is a regular caller to Austin radio stations and you can download her "commentaries" from amazon and iTunes. I heart her. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are you KIDDING me?

OK, I know The Daily Puppy shows up on our blog every day and people can click through as they so desire, but I did actually almost die when I saw Quinn's profile. Even if you don't like dogs (which i cannot BEGIN to comprehend, unless you are dead inside), you MUST MUST MUST click through and see all his pictures.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Photo Wall

Out apartment is forever a work in progress and we'd been wanting to hang up some photos in our front wall in a cool way. We managed to get it up just before people came over for New Years Eve, and Geoff did a very good job of envisioning/creating/maintaining the "shape" of the display. Even when I fussed about some of them being too close or too far apart, he stuck to his guns (ok, with a few minor tweaks to humor me) and it was another time I was thankful for his visual, conceptual and engineering skillz. We decided the front hall would be personal pictures. Us. Friends. Family. And the photos elsewhere would be more as "art". I mean, this is art too, I would say, but ....well you know what I mean.

They are all meaningful to us in some way. Some from our wedding, some from our honeymoon, and the family ones are particularly special. The old black and white one near the bottom left is of my grandmother (Dad's mom, through whom my engagement ring, Christmas ladle and middle name came to me) when she was in her 20s. There are two small ones in there of me with each of my mom's parents when i was a toddler. The one on the right of Al & Geoff is from Al and Liz's wedding and is such a great shot. And I love the one near the upper left of four of my bridesmaids in blue, tying the bows on their dresses. The idea is that we can add to it and still keep the same kind of shape. And yes, Geoff will be in charge of placement and design to maintain that.
