Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

I should have listened to my husband today. He told me to stay home and rest. Made me a doctor's appointment, as the cold has moved into my chest and that does not work well with asthma. But after a little extra sleep this morning, I a) woke up feeling slightly better (of course I did, because I took a few hours to REST, which, even idiots agree, is the key to actually overcoming an illness) and b) the guilt of being at home when I technically felt slightly better overcame me and I decided to go into the office. Even on a day where I knew I didn't have a ton I HAD to do. I still got sucked in to the office. Out of guilt. And have been regretting it ever since. 1) because I feel worse now than I did when I left the house and 2) I have very little to do here today. So Geoff, let me say for the record, (hoping you will like this as much as I do when you say it to me)…

"You were right, I was wrong and I am sorry."

Also, I have already eaten 1.5 bagels today. Apparently when I am sick I only want carbs. And also, I've officially learned that vegetable cream cheese is gross. It was all they had when I went for a bagel at 3pm. Yuck. I don't like it.

I'm glad other people also have a weird tongue thing with pineapple.

I officially cannot listen to interns about the weather. Geoff's intern Ian told me it was humid out today and that I did not need a coat. This was false. It is cold and rainy. And I am in short sleeves and a puny little summer scarf/shawl. With my chest cold. Dang interns. They are so young and hearty. They don't know what it's like for us old, over 30 types.

I wore my hair straight for the first time in over 2 weeks and it looks weird/clearly doesn't like it. I also clearly got dressed in the dark today. I look ridiculous. But I really don’t actually care that much.

I have to go to the theatre tonight. A play I want to see, but wish I wasn't seeing it tonight. But it closes on Sunday, so what can you do?

I need some light summer reading. I emailed a list of ideas to myself, but have yet to do anything about it. And I started Anna Karenina, but it seems a little heavy and intellectual for my cold-addled brain right now. I need something mindless. Or semi-mindless at least. Some good fiction. Historical fiction is my most favorite. Nearly all the books I've been reading lately have been taking me a while to get into. Story of Edgar Sawtelle did that. And I liked it but didn't LOOOOVE it.

I think I'm getting a manicure & pedicure on Saturday and am excited about that.

An article is coming out in Vogue about Sienna Miller in which my boss is featured. He is described as a "legendary New York character". Man, oh man. For those of you who have met him you will agree…truer words were never spoken.

That is all for Thursday.

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