Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Seen: On the Streets of NYC

We are loving street photography these days....And of course, NYC provides plenty of material....

Carrying a chair home for his wife...

Pigeon walks down the street...

Taking care of her baby...

Motorcycle Man asking Vintage Chick about her cool set of wheels...

Wonder what they are looking at across the street (and i of course just love their dogs -which is actually what caught my eye in the first place)....

This guy rules...

So does this guy...

Fro-yo break...

As good a place as any...

How cool and James Dean is this guy? Geoff got this shot as we were walking past him and I think its totally amazing....

This guy on the other hand....not AS cool. No idea...

Smoke break...

Standard Bride on the street shot....

And oh the treasures you find at a...

Big money...literally

What's more fun than this?


Courtney said...

how fun is that last shot?!?

Stephen Gire said...

Kate, some of these shots are AMAZING... really!!!

We need to get together and go for a day of photo shooting... You are gettin' good girl!!! You have to teach me some things!!!

Kate and Geoff said...

Well, I can't take credit for ALL of least half of them are Geoff's shots. But yes.....lets have a shooting SPREE together!