Friday, April 9, 2010

Not a Ton...

...has been going on. I've been not-so-feelin' the blog world lately. Not real sure why. I haven't been doing much photography or cooking...both of which can inspire a fun post. So what have we been up to?

We have joined a gym that we like.
I have discovered spin class. Holy moses.

I've also discovered that if you need motivation to run on the treadmill, just make sure you're watching that MTV show "16 and Pregnant". Holy smokes. I've seen it before, but it was such a trainwreck that I didn't even realize I was still running until the commercial came on.

We have been trading a cold back and forth.

We both lost 3 pounds this week.

My friend Andrew sent me a picture of this puppy that made me die a little. How soft does her butt look? I can't stand it.

We accidentally bought a new living room at Target two weeks ago. And by that I mean a rug and throw pillows. Totally new color scheme. And I heart it.

We shot a wedding that almost got cancelled but then didn't.

We have a hot date at H&R Block tonight.

I saw my friend Ali's Easter pictures of her kids and found my heart doing this new "yearning" thing that normally only happens with puppies. Hm. Wonder what that's about?

That's pretty much all you've missed.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

spin class?? LOVE it! i'm obsessed!

3 pounds - awesome! good for you!

i've missed you...