FRIDAY NIGHT: Drive to CT. Briefly glimpse niece & nephew as they are sleeping. Marvel at the cuteness.
SATURDAY: Shoot wedding north of Hartford. Leave Geoff to finish off the reception on his own while I attempted to make my way to a mall to buy an outfit for the opening night of American Idiot. Get lost both ways. Succeed in buying an outfit that is far more rock and roll than I actually am. Drive home with Geoff. Order in. Fall asleep watching The September Issue.
SUNDAY: Get to 34th Street & 8th Ave by 1030am. Meet best friend from HS (Tiffany) who is in town for the weekend. Take her to brunch at Good. Talk. Reminisce. Laugh. Learn from said high school BFF that Greenwich Village and the West Village are two different locations. Refuse to fully believe it. Wander BOTH Villages. Take picture for Mom.
Get on a train to Brooklyn. Purchase some vino. Arrive Alison's apt for her first cookout of the year. Feel slightly low energy, anti-social & turtle-ish, but revive quickly at the suggestion of Bloody Marys. Purchase world's best Bloody Mary mix, olives, pickles (YUM!) and return to attempt and recreate Clay's special Bloody Marys that first rocked the world last summer. Basically succeed.
Talk with Alison. Make veggie kebabs on her adorable back deck.
Enjoy time with friends, despite the chill in the air.
Appreciate the master chef
Enjoy the wonderful food: Gorgonzola stuffed burgers (picture at top), veggie kebabs, bacon-wrapped asparagus, roasted sweet potatoes (not pictured, as they vanished too quickly) and Guinness chocolate cake with cream cheese sour cream frosting. Die from happiness.
Laugh at the funny things that are being said.
Love this picture (and this trio) the most.
Laugh mostly at the antics that ensue
Marvel at how pretty your friends are
Laugh at how hard they laugh
Go inside when it gets too cold. Continue many discussions, both serious and fanciful. Discover that perhaps my husband is right and that we SHOULD get an iPad, as there is a bad-ass running spy game on there that is my new obsession. Finally head home. Bring the pickles with me. Fall asleep before 10pm, tired but content.
(Admit to the world that I did not take a single one of these amazing pictures, but stole them from Alison and Stephen. Which they let me do because of their great love and friendship towards me. Which I am forever grateful for.)
Just. love. it.
Thanks for the picture, sweet, and all the pictures. It all just upped my 'happy' several notches. I love your friends...your husband....and YOU! XO
Yum! I want to eat with you on the weekends!
can we switch lives? i mean, i love mine, but maybe we could switch for just a weekend?? :-)
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