Friday, January 8, 2010

Reading Our Minds

(Unrelated Note: Please feel free to make fun of the fact that as soon as I say I won't have time to blog this month, I have blogged every day since.)

Geoff found some great quotes on a blog that really capture one of the things we've been thinking about lately and relates to part of our new approach to 2010. Find the full thing here.

My favorites....

"We must admit that we spend more of our time concentrating and fretting over the things that can’t be changed than we do giving attention to the one thing we can change: our choice of attitude."

~ Charles Swindoll

"Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse."

~ Philip Yancey


Megan said...

OOO OOO! fantastic, wonderful quotes. thanks for the little inspirational thought my dear. xo

beckley said...

have you seen donald miller's two articles on new year's resolutions? they are about living a good story- not simply resolutions but character & story development---like, how they write a good movie. not a movie, a good movie.

like when i was about to walk across the house to check my email yesterday afternoon but i realized that stopping & watching my son turn on the lights to the christmas while I leaned up against the armoir. I tilted my head against the wood, tipped one foot over the other, and sipped my coffee while i watched his joy at the chance to light up the tree. and then i thought to myself, "yeah, that's a lot more like a good scene in a movie than simply asking him to turn on the tree while i check my email."

anyway, i've really liked how miller articulates that. maybe you guys will, too =)