Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lets Be Honest

OK, this is what's happening.

January is busy at work. We're casting 5 readings with large casts in the next 2 weeks, planning a trip to London for auditions (I don't get to go, I only get to plan it) and I'm casting 3 freelance shows with a co-worker the last week in January.

So it's busy.

I got a little spoiled in December when I had time to blog on a regular basis. I fear I will be a bit MIA this month. Which is a shame. Because I have Thoughts to share. I haven’t blogged about our time after Christmas where we had a day or two to be at home and I tried new recipes (including my new favorite salad dressing of all time. A-mazing). Or our New Years Eve (which involved just the two of us ordering in, having champagne and watching the latest episode of The Jersey Shore. Don’t judge. It was amazing.) Or our Christmas time with Geoff’s family, which was a lovely day in CT, great time with the nieces and nephew and some terrific conversations.

So those things happened. And I will share some recipe pictures as soon as I’m able. 'Cause they were yum. And I was feeling very gourmet and chef-like and slightly proud of myself and my mad culinary skillz.

But I just wanted everyone to know why I might be a bit blog-lite this month. We’re alive and quite well. And haven’t forgotten you. By they way, according to my site map, someone in Australia recently read my blog. So I guess more than just my mom and Alison and my college roommates have read this. Interesting.

So, if you do live in Australia or Holland or somewhere amazing like that (or even Nebraska or Toronto for Pete's sake) and you read this on any kind of regular or semi-regular basis....maybe say hi sometime. Because unless you are some sort of scary cyber stalker, I bet I would want to be your friend.

I'm just sayin'.


beckley said...

well, and me.

i will miss you. say it ain't so!

best wishes for productivity and rest. both. you need both =)

much love-
happy january!

Christy said...

LOVE you!!!!!

The Weatherwaxes said...

Hi from India! Well, I guess you already knew that.