Last month we ventured out to celebrate the marriage of my friend Nadia. She & Aaron got married in September out of town but had a Black Tie Bowling Party for their NYC friends who couldn't make it all the way out there. Now, here's what I will say about bowling. I always say I hate it. But then once I'm there, I always have a good time. And we did.
Here's what I will also say. I took none of these pictures. Nadia is a crazy talented Renaissance woman who is a singer, actress, songwriter, comedienne, photographer & feathered hair clip designer. (Which, incidentally, could be really great Christmas gifts for the girly girls in your life....if you're in need of ideas.) These pictures I swiped from her Facebook page.
Since a bowling wedding party is delightfully trashy in concept, Nadia found a delightfully trashy dress. I thought it was perfect. (And you'll notice one of her feather clips in her hair - they are awesome).
We got pretty serious with our bowling names...(that's us on the left, my co-workers on the right)
Me, unable to hide a lack of seriousness I have about my push ups, which have woefully fallen by the wayside. Clearly. I post this in hopes it will motivate me to get back on the wagon. But I am absolutely serious about BOWLING in this picture. Which is something at least. And I may also be trash-talking to whoever is on my left. I definitely hope I am.
Me with the new Mrs. Quinn (and I'm loving the standard bowling alley wood panneling in the background)
The stunning new couple. Seriously, don't they look like they are right out of an magazine ad? I don't think people should be allowed to be so photogenic. It's a little excessive...
Congratulations to the new couple!
i hate bowling.
and i mean it when i say it.
your arms look beautiful.
but pushups help you feel STRONG...so keep doing 'em!
love ya!
How fun!!!
What a gorgeous couple! :)
A) They ARE gorgeous... so much so, that I can't go back and look at the post due to jealousy. :)
B) Your arms look great in that picture... but your HAIR?!?! Perfectly effortless. You are a DevaGirl.
C) I die over the feathers on the site you linked us to. Especially the first one, third row down - the mustard yellow with the teal long feathers??? It's beautiful.
That is the coolest idea. I LOVE it! Love her dress. They look amazing.
What a fun wedding reception! :)
I love this shot of you with the bowling ball! Beautiful hair! Just a very different shot! Can I have a print copy? Your biggest fan.
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