Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In Hopes of Convincing Mark and Others Like Him...

The other week I met Mark. A musician friend of Alison's from the Fiddler tour. We had a lovely dinner before the three of us went our separate ways to the theatre. And by lovely, I mean, overpriced, poor service and the spilling of Alison's margarita all over the table and having to rustle up our own paper towels to clean it up. So the only thing good I guess, was the company.

However, to my shock and disbelief, Mark shared something truly unbelieveable with me. He DOES NOT LIKE RAW TOMATOES. DOES. NOT. I cannot relate to this at all. I get extra tomatoes on everything they will let me get extra tomatoes on. Oddly, he does like roasted tomatoes. Which I also can't relate to, as the texture of roasted tomatoes kind of skeeves me out.

So in hopes of convincing him of the wonders of tomatoes and the error of his ways, I offer this...

He's never tried them with salt and pepper. Which is just shocking and wrong. And makes me concerned for what else he missed out on in his childhood. Don't they look lovely, Mark? A little salt & pepper and a little basil from my windowsill garden. How can you resist? No, seriously. HOW CAN YOU RESIST??!?!?

And just in case it helps....they are lovely with a little club soda and lime. Or club soda, lime and a heaping helping of vodka if that gets you through it. It will be worth it. I promise.


Mark Allen Renfrow said...

Okay! Oh-Kay! I'll bite the bullet, or tomatoe in this case. I'll even photo-document it.

Thanks for thinking of me!

LL said...

Beefsteak tomato...that has no equal. How can a tomato taste like steak? But it does, and it's sooo good. However, some varieties of tomato have an awful aftertaste. Like, AWFUL.