Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"Don't ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive."

- Howard Thurman

Since I've had a week at work when I haven't been swamped out of my mind, I've been doing a lot of blog-reading. And a lot of thinking. So many of my friends are so passionate about very interesting and important issues. Courtney has a thing for clean water in Africa. Which is amazing. And she (among others with a similar passion) have raised money (through their blogs, through selling bags and shirts and headbands and whatever else) to dig new wells for people in Africa through charity:water. Such an amazing thing. And Robyn - passionate about human trafficking (which happens a lot more than anyone really knows about), writes to her local morning TV show when they do a related piece, about how 70% of the world's chocolate comes from West Africa where over 12,000 children are in slave labor, and shouldn't the morning show do a piece about what we can do to help. Also amazing. And of course, Stephen, who has a job that provides medical research and health initiatives in the Congo.

So many issues in the world. And so many of my friends have personal attachments to one or more of them. Africa, clean water, adoption, free trade, public policy, poverty, children with cancer, slave labor.... And I've just been thinking about it a lot lately. All of it. And wondering....I read about all these things and am moved by many of them and care about them to varying degrees, and think its so great that people are passionate about them. But they are not MY passion. And for a few days I felt slightly...lost. And bored and pointless. And it made me wonder what my passion is. Do I have one? I briefly felt bad about not feeling led to start a food drive, or write a letter to my senator, or take a trip to Africa or....any of those things. But my thoughts quickly pulled away from guilt and worry, and on to just plain wondering. Knowing that I am where I am for a reason and that my life doesn't need to look like anyone elses, so why should my gifts and passions? It became more of a curiosity and a pondering than anything else.

What am I passionate about? Mostly? Three things come to mind. Photography. Not quite sure how that can save the world, but it certainly can be a gift to others. Dogs. Animal Rescue is certainly something I could get behind. I would have 10 dogs if I could. And then I worry that I'll accidentally become a hoarder (like they talk about on DogTown). My friends. Listening to them and knowing them and offering counsel, support and prayer.

So...I'm still thinking about how that will all play out. And I've been thinking a lot about the Howard Thurman quote above, which Geoff came across last week. It seems to speak to some of my thoughts. Not as an excuse to be self-serving. But as a reminder to myself that the best we can do for ourselves and others, is to be authentic. I think that's the first step.


beckley said...

No, precisely not to be self-serving. You would never mean it that way. But as a human you are created to want to get outside yourself (turn yourself inside out and let yourself loose), and also as a human-kateschwabeboka-edition you are designed uniquely and with passions that will run wild within you and outside of you. and beautiful you wants to investigate that, which is so inspiring. It's this kind of stuff that makes me want to wake up tomorrow: humans investigating themselves and figuring out what who they are means to the world. love it.

i've always thought a Fair Trade Coffee Table Book of faces and stories would be a most effective idea for conveying the need to create a world where everyone is Free to Work. I don't have the funds to get it off the ground, but maybe something like that will catch fire within you. I think you have an eye for it---you and geoff both.

Who's your beauty to weave into this world. I'm just glad i get to see it as it takes shape.

you are lovely.

Courtney said...

yea, what she said. she is SO good with words, that robyn! :-)

good stuff, kate! thanks for sharing your thoughts! and it's not what God wants of you unless it's a passion of yours. He'll make it clear. you won't be able to turn away...or sleep...until you run with it!

love you!

Michelle said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Kate. I think they are so good and an encouragement to others to do the same...and I think the quote is a great stepping off point.

Tracy said...

Kate! You don't realize that you are an inspiring person. Your passion is expressed in your zest for life.

Geoffrey R. Boka said...

I wholeheartedly concur Skylark. My wife is most definitely an inspiring woman! I quite very much love her.

Christy said...

i love this kate!! very thought you!

the little owl said...

That's one of my favorite quotes. I have it written out and framed on my desk.

I'm thankful that you're passionate about your friends... as I don't know if I would survive this crazy world without you.

Beth said...

I just stole this quote and put it on my blog. :)

It is amazing and makes me think on a lot of different levels.... especially being a stay-at-home mom and what I come across every day, as my kids' mom and as a woman still remaining true to herself (or trying to at least), as she watches life evolve as time ticks by.

Very cool thought.l

(And how cool that my word verification is "real" after reading and writing this - funny).