Friday, February 6, 2009

Fridays are for Laughing

I'm sure most of you guys have seen this by now, but I just saw it for the first time yesterday. And I love it. I want Gladys to live next door. Apparently she is a regular caller to Austin radio stations and you can download her "commentaries" from amazon and iTunes. I heart her. Enjoy!


Courtney said...

that is so funny! and i definitely needed a laugh today! thanks!!! love you! (by the way, it meant the WORLD to me that you loved my picture yesterday! :-))

Deb Schwabe said...

That is RICH!!! And of course her name was Gladys. She was a Gladys if ever there was one.
I'm glad you proclaimed Fridays are for Laughing....I wasn't laughing earlier and thanks for letting me laugh later on....
love you so much....xoxox

Leah said...

I haven't seen that before, but SERIOUSLY? That has GOT to be the best thing EVER!! I love her. I pray I will be like her when I get old.