Monday, June 14, 2010

Year Two

We both forgot it was our anniversary today.

Which I suppose is better than one of us forgetting and the other feeling sad. And it's also pretty typical of life right now. Busy. Distracted. Stresed. Thinking of 10 thousand other things.We talked last week about how it was our anniversary and can you believe it's been two years, but then this morning, it took my mom wishing me Happy Anniversary on the morning subway phone call and my friend Marisa texting both of us for us to remember.

So. I'm really on top of things. As usual.

No fun adventures planned today, not like last year where we discovered our dream home. We'll be lucky to make it to dinner together. And if we do, I'm thinking this authentic Italian place in Long Island know, to keep with the whole Italy = love theme.

Even amid all the hustle and the bustle and the forgetting of is good. We are good. The "us" part of life is quite lovely. And I am grateful for it.

Now back to the madness....


Megan said...

happy year 2 my dear! remembering your special day & how lovely & sweet & beautiful it was. yay yay.

the little owl said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! I totally forgot, too! Stupid, silly me... what sort of Best Friend/Maid of Honor am I? :( Well, Happy Anniversary a date late!!! xoxoxo