Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Fun on the Farm

When each grandchild was born, my grandfather named a "street" on the farm after us. Which I thought was so cool. Although, let's take a look at how my street sign has fallen much further into disrepair than Clay's has.

I'm trying not to take that personally. Or as any kind of confirmation that Clay is, in fact, the favorite child. Or as a reminder of the fact that I am just old. I suppose I should just be grateful that my sign is still standing at all. Because I think that the "Clarke's Path" sign has been missing for years. And "Phillip's Crossing" is barely even a road anymore. Yes, feeling slightly better now. Moving on...

Many more adventures to be had on the farm...


Clay displaying his inner redneck.

The Row-Thru Brewery

My grandfather's tool shed.

The old dinner bell on the porch of the cabin.

A girl should always have a boat named after her. Even if it's just a row boat.

Family football

Clarke and Phillip celebrate their mad skillz

Clay & Haley celebrate, while Philip suffers the agony of defeat.

And of course, fun with the dogs.

Toby trying to enjoy the remnants of someone's lunch.

Prancing with her Stick

Haley was so smart, she realized that even when we were relaxing on the porch, she could still get us to thrown the ball for her if she dropped it through the railing and it landed at our feet. Clever girl.

Toby has always been afraid of loud noises. One day out at the farm someone nearby must have been skeet shooting or something, because there were lots of big noises like gun shots. Toby got a little freaked out. Well, at the same time, Dad and Clay headed out in the row boat to do a little fishing. Now, Toby does not swim. He will wade out in the water sometimes, but only up to his belly. But the big noises spooked him and, and he set off swimming, following Dad and Clay and the boat, as if he desperately wanted to be in there with them. That was clearly the only safe place to be.

It's as if he's saying, "No, Let me in, let me in."

Then the boys made it out to the middle of the lake and Tobe ran around to try and get in the boat from over there. Here you can see the boat and the tiny speck that is Toby, to the left of them.

We finally coaxed him out. Here he's saying, "Don't let them shoot me, ok?"

He did ultimately live to tell the tale.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh sweet Toby! It looks like you guys had a great time at the farm, and such wonderful pictures.