Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Just wanted everyone to know we're still alive. Work has been crazy for both of us. No weekend for me this past weekend, and only half of one the weekend before, which totally resulted in a meltdown on Sunday night. Definately still haven't done my taxes yet either,(awesome), but am finding a spare moment to breathe here and there and wanted everyone to know we were still in the land of the living. And will post when we can.

In the meantime, this is what I did on Saturday. Over 1300 kids wrapped around a city block as of 830am. Whew!


Mary Jeanes said...

Kate, PLEASE, I read these things and my mouth just drops open b/c I forget usually that you are truly THERE, in NYC, working for a THEATER COMPANY! CASTING! Please, could you have believe this back at JMU? I'm sure it's not as glamorous as it looks to me, but boy, it sure looks amazing from here. :)

Michelle said...

I'm sorry you've been so so busy. I hope things calm down soon. I love seeing a new blog post from you!