Friday, February 4, 2011

And Now, Your Host...LONDON (Part 2)

Don't worry, there's more......


Michelle said...

Did you like doing these videos just so you could say "signing off...."? You should saying on the phone at work. ;)

Deb Schwabe said...

You are simply the best! Love it so much!
and did you know??? That when we were living at the School of Infantry, Dad had a connection to a British Army Sargeant who was serving as a Beef Eater there at the Tower, and when Amma & Papa were visiting us Dad took Amma & Papa to a special tour of the Tower AND, best of all, the Sargeant took them home to tea in one of those very row houses with the blue doors! I couldn't go because Clay was sick and you were in school. But Papa and Amma LOVED the special feature of their tour!

Courtney said...

this was just good for my soul to hear your voice.
that's all.