We saw a ton of wildlife at the Cape. My parents have always kept binoculars at the ready at the Cape and at their home in Maine, and with good reason. The bird life alone is pretty awe-inspiring. It makes me feel pretty old to get excited by birds so much (and I believe Alison even once bought me a bird watchers guide in jest a couple of years ago), but here's what - birds are amazing. Straight up. They just are.
The day we were expecting Earl it was grey and damp out and we took advantage of the weather to get ahead on a few business things. So we were inside on the computer when all of a sudden a HUGE bird swooped right across the deck. We made our way outside gingerly (grabbing the camera of course) and found this guy, with his back to us, just chillin' on the roof.
Yep. A hawk. Just hanging out with us pre-hurricane.
Just check him right out! I believe at this point he was standing on one leg. He hung out like that for a while.
And then in a hot second, he flew away...
So he was pretty awesome. We saw him (or his cousin) again later throughout the weekend swooping around and flying back and forth. Also in the bird family, we were really into this guy.....
Particularly when he was drying out his wings
The rest of the wildlife we didn't manage to capture on film. There are usually some foxes who dart across the end of the deck. There was a super cute chipmunk who lived in this hole at the end of the deck and I just missed him poking his little head out.
There was also a ginormous black garden snake who lopped himself down out of the ivy in the above picture, and then looped himself right back up into it. But we won't talk too much about him (even though it was fascinating), because just thinking about him does my mom in. As she says.
Rightly so.
After Earl headed north, we had THE MOST AMAZING weather and we headed up to a bike path in Truro.
It was awesome.
Not a super long path, but a gorgeous one. After about a mile you come to this amazing bridge
It's right over this gorgeous marshland.
And then you're at the beach.
Where there were surfers taking advantage of what Earl left behind...
Honestly, what is better than Cape Cod?
No, seriously, try to think of ONE thing...
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Um, I think that we MUST have our next reunion at the Cape.....it's so beautiful!
so pretty!
my dad & step-mom have a cardinal at their place that keeps circling around the house & then will fly right on into the living room window, circle round again & thud. as my dad said "she was at the back of the line when they were handing out the brains" silly bird.
amazing photos. i have never been there but I totally believe you!
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