Friday, May 21, 2010

Better Late Than Never

My birthday was over 2 weeks ago. And I'm just getting around to posting the pictures. If that tells you anything about life these days. It was one of those magical evenings.....perfect weather, rooftop dining and a group of friends that comes from different walks and stages of my life, but who fit together seamlessly. There's not much better than that.

There was Classic Clay & Alison. Naturally.

For your Consideration in the "My Friends Are Pretty" Category

The Many Faces of Kory

A good time was had by all

Virtually everyone ended up in Kory's glasses at some point

I have no idea how we ended up with no pictures of The O'Gradys. They were only sitting next to me all night! Also not pictured - the lovely Marisa who had to dash out early to rehearsal. And Amanda, who had to dash home to a 4 month old who was really missing her. There's some pretty funny video too....I'll probably manage to get that up in another two weeks.

I love and am SO grateful for my friends.

1 comment:

Christy said...

AWESOME pictures!!
loved getting to experience your fun night---and of course, HAPPY birthday! :)