2011 was a big year for us. We went to London & Paris, we shot a ton of weddings, I quit my job and started working for myself and was surprised to find that my freelance casting work consumed nearly all my time this fall. We went far too long without seeing my family (10 months!) and I vow that will never happen again. My parents rescued a dog from the side of the highway and even before I met him, I knew we wouldn't be able to imagine our family without him. I only wish he could come live at my house. Friends got pregnant, got engaged, moved across the country, adopted kids, bought their first house, started their own business and we've been blessed to feel a part of it all - either directly, or through photo shoots or via love & support over email and phone calls.
2012 is upon us and I hope to actually spend more time doing all the things I wanted to do this fall when we began Phase 1 of the next stage in our lives. Phase 1 was quitting my job. At the moment there seem to be a minimum of 2 other Phases TBA with unknown timelines. The picture above is of my grandparent's house in Georgia, where my dad and his brothers grew up. I love this house. And if it could be relocated to the NYC Metro Area, that would certainly speed up the timeline on at least one of those other Phases. And I really should tell you about the USC string bikini top given to me by my mother at Christmas in hopes of "inspiring" us to inch closer to the Phase that will include grandchildren for her. You were right, Mom. Geoff says Extra Small IS the perfect size for me. :-)
But in the meantime, we're enjoying Phase 1. And soon it will hopefully include more blogging, cooking, photography, time with friends and family and just generally getting my creative mojo back.
Happy New Year to All!
PS - I forgot the most momentus occurrence of all of this month! We got our first actual Christmas Tree. Not a wreath, not a bush, but a full on (ok, half sized) Christmas Tree. I cannot tell you how happy it made me on a daily basis. I am practically a grown up, despite the horrendous iPhone picture.