Saturday, August 28, 2010

With Tissues at the Ready

This is pretty awesome. I cried. Which, if you know me, may not say a lot, as I am one of the great criers of my generation, but still.

This story was recorded (and I believe animated) by StoryCorps. It's a non-profit organization that makes audio recordings of the stories of everyday people's lives. A copy of every recording is kept in the Library of Congress and becomes part of the oral history of America. The interviews are conducted between two people who are important to each other. Children interviewing parents, immigrants recalling when they first arrived here or spouses like Annie & Danny remembering their first date. Lover of history that I am, this is so up my alley. Apparently they feature different stories every day on NPR's Morning Edition.

I dig it. I want to make one now.


Deb Schwabe said...

oh wow. How precious is that expression of love. I love them and what a gift they have left by recording this.

Courtney said...

wow. i should not have watched that this week...but it was SO sweet! now i have to go pick up my kids from school with a splotchy face :-)