Friday, May 7, 2010

Rom-Com in Real Life

I have this friend.

(Now, normally when this is said, everyone thinks you're actually talking about yourself. As you will come to see, this is not the case. But for undisclosed/semi- obvious reasons, I am choosing to withhold the names of those involved to protect the innocent.)

This friend tends to live a life that resembles a Romantic Comedy. She can't really help it. It just happens to her. And as we emailed back and forth this week, it really felt like I was watching an Amy Adams/Anne Hathaway/Kate Hudson movie.

Here's a cut from this week's "screenplay", shall we say...

Pretty Girl Next Door (PGND)- my Rom-Com friend
Kryptonite - the coffeeshop boy that makes her weak in the knees

Interior - a hip coffeeshop littered with large library tables and beautiful people. PGND sits alone with her laptop, a journal and a cup of coffee.

She types an email:

"At Hip Coffeeshop. Kryptonite is working. The crazy part of me wants to give my waitress (the one walking around the lobby area) a note to hand him with my number.

Please tell me this is a bad idea.


...10 minutes later....PGND has not moved from her post. She types EMAIL #2:


He's dreamy.

We sometimes make eye contact.

I know he recognizes me, as when said eye contact occurs there is definite recognition in his look.

The few times we have talked he remembers things.

He is softspoken in that manly way that I love.

I think he pays attention to me without paying attention to me, if that makes sense.

He's cute with or without facial hair, which is shocking to me.

He is my Kryptonite.

He is not married (no ring.)


Is he single?

What is his name?

Does he think I'm pretty?

Does he think I'm weird?

Does every girl find him dreamy?

How much of my precious paycheck am I willing to spend trying to find out the answers to all of the above?


FINAL SCENE - In reponse to my asking if I can share the Rom-Com-ness of her life with the blogsophere...

"You have my permission.

You may also post a Craigslist Missed Connection for me, if you'd like...because we are WELL aware of my luck with Missed Connections.

Or call up Hip Coffeeshop and tell them that their handsome, blondish, soft-spoken Barista wearing a striped shirt and brown tie is missing out on the love of his life who is currently sitting at a library table experiencing a massive caffeine buzz."

She is fun to know, this Rom-Com friend. And for those of you who know me and my circle of friends, I'm positive that her identity has not remotely been concealed. Sorry. I tried. Hopefully I will continue to hold the rights to the fascinating life of PGND so that I can share more from the screenplay that is her life. If she'll let me.

Happy Friday!

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