Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February Fury

Well the great storm that dummped 40-some inches on DC this week has finally reached the Big Apple. Apparently what was "Snowpocalypse" in DC is "February Fury" in New York. The city is as much of a ghost town as it gets. But here I am, at work. I think all of about 10 phone calls have come in today, 7 of which were from my boss, who was still at home.


I want to be at home with Geoff and hot chocolate, reading a book while we watch the snow fall.

Yet here I sit, in my windowless office just hoping that someone sends me home soon.

I feel they might.

Fingers crossed.


Christy said...

i can't believe you had to go to work---BOO on the boss!!! (although i did like your camera) :)

Beth said...

Oh I hope you got to go home. Burrrrr... just hearing about all of these East Coast storms makes me cold. Stay warm.