Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm sick.
Head cold. far.
All I want to be is home in bed.
And I've had to schedule and reschedule auditions around a zillion people's busy schedules for the last three days.
And it keeps changing.
And changing.
And then I have to start all over again.
And the size of my head keeps growing.
And growing.
And growing.
(or so it feels like)
And I went to my doctor yesterday because I had some questions about H1N1 and the vaccine.
I had some legit concerns.
And after about 10 minutes she told me she didn't have time to talk to me about the flu anymore because she had patients and was very busy.
After I waited to see her for 40 minutes.
And clearly have all the time in the world to sit in her office and wait on her.
So then I cried.
'cause that's just what I do.
Especially when I'm frustrated.
And she felt bad.
But was still completely unhelpful.
And told me to drink lots of fluids and cover my mouth with my scarf on the subway.
That's your answer?
Clearly I could have been a doctor.
Since you don't actually have to know anything.

So in conclusion,
I'm tired.
And sick.
And sick and tired.
And I just want to be at home in bed.
But I'm not.
I'm in rescheduling hell.



Michelle said...

Re-entry (from vacation) is brutal. I hope you feel better soon.

Christy said...

oh girl----
feel your pain...
and that Dr. is ridiculous (which I unfortunately find is fairly common!)
miss you!!

Courtney said...

i know you're not exaggerating.
because i think some of the drs i've seen went to the same school as your dr.
but it's so ridiculous!

i'm sorry.

Ariel said...

So sorry to hear that you are sick. I had a doctor like yours. My doctor friends told me to go out and get a new one ASAP. If it helps, my ENT friend told me to go get a Nielmans (sp?) nasal flow kit and it has been helping a lot with head congestion. It's kind of like a Netty Pot but not so weird :)

Megan said...

oh, dr's why do you stink so much! treat us like human beings & listen to our thoughts & concerns for once & also treat us as the individual & not the symptom.
ugh...i feel your pain girl.
off soapbox now.