(Like this girl. And her amazing hat.)

My Actual Job (Job #1) is slow right now. Which is nice. And rare. And well-timed because Geoff's business is CRAZY busy and therefore my Job #2 (Executive Director in Charge of Helping Geoff and His Business During his Crazy Busy Season) is super insane as well. It's worked out nicely that I've had time to help him out. We are working towards some HUGE deadlines to get several of his projects out before we go on vacation the last week of September. YAY for that. BIG TIME.
(Clay and Hayley Face Off)

So we are both pretty burnt out. I go to work in the morning and spend most of the day doing work for Job #2. I come home and we either keep working or sit on the couch together in a fairly brain dead fashion. But we are plugging through. And it's going well. Making progress.

But it makes me pretty boring. I can't think of anything to write about. My mind always feels blank. I can't think of any interesting Facebook Stati to make up. I don't have the time or the energy to take any photos. Like, we spent the weekend in CT this weekend. Saturday we shot a wedding (I LOVED the couple) and Sunday was a pool party with Geoff's family at their house. The weather was gorgeous. The kids were adorable. And neither Geoff nor I could manage to take any photos. I thought at one point that I should be. But I just couldn't.
(At a dinner party last winter. Ask anyone who was there, I was NOT boring at this party.)

Less than a month until our vacation and we are both REALLY looking forward to it. We're going to Arizona, where Geoff's bother has a condo at a resort. We will mostly sit by the pool and relax. And read. And talk to each other. And I will attempt not to apologize for it. I think at some point we might be up for a day trip to Sedona. Or even the Grand Canyon, which I've never been to. But we also might not.
(SIDEBAR: I saw footage of the Grand Canyon on a nature program on Monday and forgot how LONG it is. I always only think about it being wide. Maybe that makes me sound like a dumb blonde, but I forgot. Which is maybe easy to forget when you've never really seen it in person, only in photos? So you don't really have a true sense of the SCOPE of it? Or maybe I'm just an idiot.)
(Puppies in a basket. Clearly not boring.)

So I am attempting to not feel guilty about wanting a non-busy vacation. I mean, we loved our honeymoon in Italy, obviously, but we were very busy seeing the country and didn't do a lot of RESTING. We are ready to rest. Lay by the pool. Read. Have a late lunch. Have a nap if we want. Spend time together. I feel a little guilty about wanting that, but that's the truth. So there you have it.
(To the faint of heart - Shield your eyes - This is me in a fairly terrible production of Sweet Charity about 9 years ago. Yipes.)

After we get back from vacation I will attempt to be less boring. To fix my hair every day. To find time to work out. To take more photos. Specifically, to take more non-boring photos for me to post the next time I feel boring. Like this one.
At my bachelorette party. That's my friend Sarah with all the hair. She is Amazing.

my dearest one, life is much too short for you to EVER feel guilty about how you FEEL.
so stop it, stop it right now. I'm gonna sit you down this weekend on the deck and get you some deep breaths of salt air in you! and a lovely adult beverage besides. And two dogs. And I'd even scratch YOUR back.
Oh Sweet Charity! Those were the days! ;) I'm so glad that you have your vacation to look forward to! Give me call to chat if you have time....even during the day if you have a break from job #1 and job #2.
you are so not boring.
& if you get the chance, only if, do go to the Grand Canyon it is quite amazing. but if better for you to sit by the pool & relax & talk & chill with the huz def do that. either way, it won't be boring. cuz you're kate & she's lovely.
Garrett just asked me who the girl was in the photos. I told him that her name is Kate. He said that he likes Kate. I think you are now his girlfriend :)
you are SO not boring! and you go REST and RELAX all you want, my friend! don't feel guilty for a SECOND!!!!
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