Saturday, July 25, 2009

Marley & Me

OK, I never read the book. Always figured I would love it, since I am the world's biggest dog person. And hadn't seen the movie. Until last night.

Truth be told, it's been a bit of a tough week. Geoff has had a ton on his plate for work and is overwhelmed and stressed and therefore I am too. It's been Murphy's Law kind of week. The kind that makes you want to just crawl into your room for at least 24 hours and escape from the world. No long term damage, but just a week that wears you right out emotionally. So last night we decided we wanted a light, feel-good, easy, make you smile kind of movie. We opened a bottle of wine, popped some popcorn, started to wind down and watched Marley & Me.

(this is where I should say "spoiler alert" if you haven't seen it, but I'm sorry, you also should be warned)

I'm sorry, but WTF?! Oh sure, there are tons of cute puppy scenes and the first half of the movie is perfectly enjoyable. Not genius cinema, but just want we wanted. The second half, basically like watching Old Yeller. I don't think I have ever cried harder at a movie. Ever. Sobbed, in fact. This is no, "shed a couple of tears at the sweet/moving story about what a dog means to its family". This is "ball your eyes out until they swell up so much you can hardly keep them open". I suppose, technically, I was already in a bit of a burnt out, slightly fragile emotional state from the stupid week we had and therefore susceptible to crying. And I'm a cryer anyway. Big time. But geez louise. Had I known how the movie ended I never would have watched it last night. Not in a million years. I could have probably even have handled The English Patient or Sophie's Choice better.

It was brutal. And yes, my eyes were still puffy this morning. I was going to watch Revolutionary Road tonight (as I've never seen it), but I don't think I'll be up for it. Maybe Love Actually or a nice Bridget Jones' Diary would be a better choice until I'm more fully recovered....


Deb Schwabe said...

oh, my poor baby! I haven't seen it either. Aside from the puffy eyes, maybe the sobbing cry was a good cleansing after the week you both have lived through. Much more to cry about than just a precious dog. WHEWF! Bridget Jones.....fer sher.
love you so much

Michelle said...

I KNOW....I had the same reaction when I read the book. I can only imagine seeing it on screen.

Hope this next week is better for you.

By the way, we are excited to see what future posts land in the "WTF" category.

Beauty Gal said...

DO NOT watch Revolutionary Road tonight!!! I have not seen it but apparently it is SUPER harsh and depressing!!! And while I read Marley and Me and loved it - I didn't see the movie and had heard it was a tear jerker :(

Tracy said...

Love Actually is my all time favorite movie. Wait until you hear the song "God only knows what I'd be without yooouuuu" is sure to bring on some emotions but well worth it.

Marley & Me had the same affect on me. I thought it was a great movie and I cried like a baby.

LL said...

I'm sorry, but this cracked me up because it reminded me of a time a gal pal came over to do essentially the same thing. Wine? Check. Chocolate? Check. "Feel Good Movie"? Check. OR so we thought.

I would not characterize Pay It Forward as feel good. Feel like ripping your guts out through your nose so you'll stop crying from a broken heart? Yep.

We were in a manhating mode and wanted a laugh. We got puffy faces and threw warbly tear-filled "Who's idea was this anyway?" accusations.

Megan said...

why did nobody warn you? watch out for Revolutionary Road...not a 'feel good movie'.

Beth said...

I am not really a dog person, but I totally enjoyed Marley and Me (I knew he was gonna die and expected it, so that helped). It was a tear jerker though. I can only imagine it was even harder to watch being a dog person.

I loved it, too, b/c there were moments I TOTALLY related to Jennifer Aniston's character - esp. her stay at home mom "monologue"/scene - whatever you call it.