Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Confessions

TRUTH: I have not even begun to fight on those pictures from the July 4th weekend. I've worked on them every spare moment I've had (which hasn't been a ton this week) but I'm not even half done. Truth be told, I was a bit disappointed in them. Some decent ones for sure but....not amazing. Therefore the blog post is not done. Barely started. My goal is to get it done this weekend. We'll see....

TRUTH: I think there is a serious lack of good gazpacho available. In general. But also specifically in the area around my office. It's what I want for lunch in the summer. Hale and Hearty Soups - eh. Metro Cafe - Way too spicy. Pret A Manger - Boring. The only gazpacho i liked - and I used to get every day last summer was from Wholesome Wraps. And they closed.

TRUTH: I am bored by the movies that are out currently. I'm sure the Harry Potter will be good next weekend, but the rest have seemed....blah.

TRUTH: I am leaving work early today. "Summer hours" are supposed to start at 2pm. Here it is nearly 4pm and I'm considering myself lucky to be getting out. Might go sit in the park and read. Might go window shop for things I can't afford. Hard to say. Would like to go home and blog with my slightly-less-than-4 free hours I have before our dinner plans. But....Half hour home - It's 430pm, then 2-ish hours at home and back into the city. Eh....would just make me tired. And 2 hours is not nearly enough.

TRUTH: I wish I had a garden. Our windowsill is getting mighty crowded and there are more things I want to plant and dunno how to make it work.

TRUTH: My house is a disaster. Needs to be cleaned, laundry needs to be done, and I need to finish unpacking from last weekend. We will tackle at least a little of this this weekend.

TRUTH: Sometimes I have a hard time letting go of things. If I get hurt or worried or stressed, it can be tough to have it not affect me for a decent amount of time. I can tell myself to take a deep breath, relax and remember what I can control and can't. The Serenity Prayer does actually come in handy.

TRUTH: I REALLY want a big chalkboard for our kitchen wall, but Geoff says our walls are so old and weak and stupid, it's hard to hang remotely heavy things on there. I still want one though. Like, a lot.

TRUTH: I cried three times during Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.

TRUTH: I wish I liked to exercises. I wish I could make myself be one of those people. I like biking and tennis and swimming. That's it. Tennis and Swimming you can't just do on your own....needing a tennis court and a swimming pool to actually facilitate those activities. Biking is all I've got. But even then, sometimes I'd rather just sit outside with a book. Hopefully I will feel like it this weekend... we'll see.

TRUTH: I love baskets. Not baskets with handles that are grandma-ish, but cool, mostly square and rectangle baskets that you can put on your bookshelf/coffee table/entertainment unit to hide the stuff you need on hand, but is ugly to look at.

TRUTH: I consistently misspell the same words. Rhythmn. Excercise. Disappointed. Specifically. That is how I always spell them. I may never learn. Thank God for spell check or I would look like an idiot.

TRUTH: I would almost always choose a salty snack over a sweet one.

TRUTH: I am now heading to the Upper West Side where I will window shop at Crate and Barrel for furniture have no space for, pop into the container store and potentially buy some baskets, and then maybe go to Central Park and read my book before dinner with friends. I may even break with the norm and get a Pinkberry to enjoy. Look at me, I am full of surprises.

Happy Friday!


beckley said...

you can totally paint like styrofoam with chalk board paint. or anything light if you can't find a sturdy styrofoam. just paint-trim-hang. and you can get chalk board paint in practically any color these days.

oh, and truth:
my husband just walked past me while i was reading this and asked, "are you OKAY?" because apparently i did NOT look okay- very serious, I suppose.

"Yes. Why? This is my 'I'm reading something truly funny face. Do I not look like I'm reading something funny? Oh, that's because I am reading and mainly just registering that I genuinely appreciate the humor here."

Maybe one day I will just live and stop processing everything :) there. a smile. for your funny post.

looking forward to pics :) hey. another one.

Mike said...

Were those words mispelled?

Courtney said...

you just just paint THE WALL! :-)i LOVE chalkboard paint!!