Monday, March 23, 2009


Ultimately, in the big scheme of is good. Really quite lovely. But today is one of those days I'm really needing to remember my tulips in the white pitcher in the sunlight. In fact, it it my new desktop picture at work. Am gearing up for a week much like the one in the previous post. Something every night. And working all day next Sunday, so just one day (Saturday) off next weekend. After no weekend this weekend (work on Saturday, and a photo seminar in CT on Sunday - we got home at 8pm and Geoff was asleep by 9pm. Will try to post about it soon, though I have no idea how that will be possible).

Basically, I'm tired. Or maybe not tired exactly but....over it. And I don't really feel I have the right to be. Because in the scheme of what my job is sometimes like, things are pretty easy right now. I must be "out of shape". I seriously feel like a wuss. But I want it all to go away. I want to sit on my bed and read in the sunshine for days and have no one bother me. There, I said it.

Ok, just talked to Geoff. Helped a little. Am going to have my skim latte/self medicate now. I know... bit of a theme/coping mechanism. Guilty/Unapologetic as charged.


beckley said...

i think you're pretty.


LL said...

Okay, pal from waaaay back when we were girls in's confession time. So you like to cyber stalk people? Well, since I *know you, it's not REALLY stalking, but I do read your blog. And I have shared it with a friend who loves the good life. And from what WE see, you live the good life. People can subsist on the gorgeousness of your photos (that is a possible exaggeration...possibly). The Italy pictures, seriously, lifted the spirits of two chicks who needed some escapism.

There. If that doesn't make you feel better, I don't know what would. :o)

Now, that's not to say you don't have every reason to bitch, moan, and gripe - everyone does. But if you think your blog goes unread, your pictures unappreciated, or your insights ignored, just know that from one little enclave on the Gulf Coast, there are two fans that like to stay up to date on your musings.

*used to know you two decades ago