Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fat Girl Glasses

When Geoff first saw me in my glasses, which I rarely wear, because they look so lousy on me, he called them my Fat Girl Glasses. Now before all you girls get up in arms and angry at him for making comments about my weight, understand that he was saying that they didn't look like me at all. That they looked like what the fat girl in middle school would wear. Which naturally wouldn't really "match" me, as I am clearly thin and beautiful. And fabulous. Clearly.

Well, last weekend, we ordered me some non-Fat Girl Glasses. Some, dare we say, Chic Girl Glasses. And it’s a good thing too, since apparently I have an astigmatism and had no idea.

I will post a "before" picture when I can get home and actually take one. But since its been embarrassingly long since I've blogged about ANYTHING (shame on me) it seemed a bit urgent to get this up...

What do you think? Even without the "before" picture... Worlds better, right? (forgive the small, slightly sideways picture from my iPhone...)


Stephen Gire said...

I love them... it's about damn time you lose those Fat Girl Glasses!!!

Ali said...

they look fantastic!

Michelle said...

Very cute...err...I mean sheek! Seriously, they look great on you!

Michelle said...

Do you love how I tried to spell "chic" as "sheek"?? I am SO not chic!

Kate and Geoff said...

Don't worry, I spelled it the same way myself the first draft of that blog.

Tracy said...

They look great!