So you know how we are so old and lame? Normally this is 100% true. This past Saturday, however, we were total rock stars. We had our engagement photo session with our 2 AWESOME photographers who are shooting our wedding and who are Geoff's (and now my) great friends.
Carla Ten Eyck and
Matt Wagner are completely awesome and totally talented and even managed to make us look like we are the Pretty People.
We had an awesome day, starting at the Met and taking all kinds of pictures, then working our way down to the Village - no, Soho, no, the Meatpacking District, no Soho - (we changed our minds about 7 times in the cab on the way down there). We finally settled on the Meatpacking District (EXCELLENT idea, Mr. Wagner) cause the light was gorgeous on those cobblestone streets. After changing outfits in the cab (go ahead, you may be impressed/horrified), dumping our stuff at Starbucks, discovering Geoff had lost his iPhone, realizing he left it in the cab, locating the iPhone - still in the cab - and with the iPhone on it's way back to us in the self same cab from the Upper East Side (no idea how it got there so fast), we finally headed out to make the best of the light that was left. It was fairly cold, but we enjoyed it anyway.

I realized its a lot harder to be a model than I thought. And Geoff and I realized we need to do something besides stare at each other and kiss all day. We've only seen Carla's shots so far, but they are awesome and we can't wait to see Matt's too. Also, it gives us lots to think about and practice for pictures on our wedding day.