Friday, January 30, 2009


I just found this blog through my friend Robyn about a couple in Kansas who went to a doctor's appointment with their baby who couldn't seem to get rid of an ear infection and after a series of tests, found out she been diagnosed with cancer all over her body. I haven't finished the whole history of how it happened, but it's obviously a very traumatic time for this little girl and her parents. It seems their story is being spread across the country and even the world, because this is one of the comments I saw on one of their blog posts. I found it very moving.


My name Mansi from India.

I am a mother & surely understand the pain you both must have been going through.

I pray to God from Bottom of my heart to make life beautiful for Cora again.

January 30, 2009 3:20 AM

Its amazing to me how so much of life is universal, regardless of race, religion, nationality or the multitude of differences those things can cause. And amazing how total strangers across the world can have the instinct to comfort each other. Well, add me to the list. I'm praying for Cora and her parents too.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A NYC Send Off

This past weekend we got together with friends to send Stephen off to the Congo (he leaves this weekend) and Alison off on the Fiddler on the Roof National Tour. Sad to see them both go, but they'll each only be gone a couple of months and then hopefully Alison will be back in the city. Stephen will be back and forth from the Congo every couple of months for at least a year I think. They are such dear friends to me and the three of us were quite the musketeers. I shall miss them. BUT I shall be excited to hear about all their adventures!

We met for dinner at this great restaurant in Nolita called PUBLIC. It used to be an old post office and the decor was super cool. They still had the old mailboxes on the wall and the glass garage door at what used to be the loading dock but it now of course, full of tables.

This is about the only picture I took all night (Geoff took the rest). And I now officially have a thing for using mirrors in photographs.

The Food. Was. Amazing. Even though I consider myself a Cape Cod girl, it has taken me YEARS to warm up to specific kinds of seafood. As a kid I ONLY liked swordfish, and only because my grandfather used to grill it and I thought it tasted like steak. After college I branched out a little and liked shrimp. Then once I moved to NYC, I finally tried sushi. I still only really like tuna and sometimes salmon rolls. But I will now eat tuna, mahi-mahi, salmon. But still didn't like a ton of shellfish. Scallops and oysters were a definite no. Until PUBLIC. I now officially like them both. Holy crap, was it good.

Geoff snapped this in the middle of a very animated story. Love it. No, he didn't actually punch her in the face.

Classic Kate & Alison, deep in Very Important Conversation And Problem Solving.

Geoff likes taking my picture...

Then we headed over to the 8th Street Wine Cellar to meet some more friends for drinks. We'd forgotten our good flash, but Geoff was still able to get some great pictures. These are all him, I can take no credit. And even though they are a little grainier, I think they're kinda artsy and cool.

Stephen, Nikki, Bill & Anne

Again with the mirrors...the lovely Ms Walla and the amazing Sarah Lilley.

I think the pictures get slightly less artsy here....only because Mike Minarik is pulling focus. As usual.

And again...

I will miss my friends! But we can all follow their new adventures on their blogs (which I linked above). And check out the link to the Fiddler tour...Alison (and Topol) may soon be coming to a city near you (Newark, Pittsburg, Providence, Jacksonville, Minneapolis...and more). Go see her!

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Maternity Shoot

Michelle had asked me if I would take some photos of her and Mike while I was in Austin, as they were wanting some pregnancy pictures (she's due March 22). I'm always up for a photo shoot, and better to do it for friends so you can practice your skills, since there's still a TON I don't know, and you can hope that your friends won't hold you to the same standard as a true professional. With photography, I kind of rely on my eye for composition and just hope and pray that my very basic knowledge of the technical parts will carry me through. Basically that I'll get lucky. And I think we got some good shots. I definately learned a HUGE amount, which was really interesting. And I think there may be hope for me, because as I talked through some of the technical stuff with Geoff when I got home, I think I am getting better at that part. Slowly but surely. Here is a sampling of shots.

Goofing around...

Poor Michelle. The sun was gorgeous, but low and BRIGHT against this fence. I love this one of her, looking like she might go blind.

Seriously, how cute are they?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Barn Girls Take Austin

OK, as I said, the trip to Austin was pretty great. And not just cause of the gorgeous temperatures and sunshine. But because we were able to catch up and share and confide and laugh and cry and enjoy, just as I had hoped we would.

First things first - reunions with babies are way fun. Now, that may be because I don't have one of my own and because I dont have to take one home at the end of the weekend. But I enjoyed it. And how cute are these guys?

KALLEN (Christy's son, her first) - who was doing some teething and was a little fussy at times, but was fascinated by the flash on my camera and was basically BEGGING me to take his picture all weekend.

Happy to see Daddy...

SAWYER (Courtney's son, her fourth) - The smiliest of the bunch and even so much cuter in real life than all the pictures I've seen on her blog for months and months.

MICAH (Kathy's son, her second) - younger than the other two by a couple months, but still matching them pound for pound - which I LOVE. This is the kind of kid that I totally dig. Chill, chunky and a bundle of snuggles.

And the boys seemed to get along pretty well...

I feel these boys must be true friends by this point, as Kallen is clearly REALLY concerned that Sawyer is getting upset. It's like he's saying, "hey, hey! what's wrong?!"

We had a baby shower for Michelle while we were there. AND did fun craft projects. We each made a onesie for the baby, which I thought was an awesome idea.

Lots of talking and laughing.

On Sunday the sun came out and we headed to Town Lake - which is actually a river with walking trails around it. Tons of people were out. Christy and Courtney went for a run and Becca, Ali, Michelle and I went for a walk. And then came the dog park. Where my heart cried a little out of love for all the dogs. And where I took a ridiculous amount of pictures.

This guy killed me. KILLED me. To quote the ever-quoteable Rachel Zoe - "I Die."

Please. Look at this face.

It was really really great to see the girls. And so great to be able to talk openly about what we're all going through, knowing that we will be listened to, loved, empathized with, encouraged and prayed for long after we all head to the airport. I'm grateful. Truly grateful.

Barn Girls, there are a ton more photos available here. And you should be able to download the ones you want from the site. If anyone besides Michelle wants a CD burned, let me know. We missed you Mary!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Reunion Wrap Up - Preview

OK, pictures are coming, but just wanted to say the reunion this past weekend was great. There was talking, crying (3 times for me), fun with babies, walks, Courtney's ridiculous pumpkin muffins, a baby shower, a "leash free" dog park (which I was so excited about I actually cried - so make that 4 times I guess), 75 degree weather, a maternity photo shoot (in one shot Michelle looks like an actual maternity model in a catalog 'cause she's so pretty), laughing at old college pictures, craft projects, and lots of fixing of problems. Or at least just saying things out loud. Which can sometimes count as "fixing".

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. Pictures of all of it to follow in a few days. The only downside was that Mary couldn't come because her baby got very sick. And then she got very sick. So...ultimately wise for her to stay home, but we missed her a ton.'s Michelle and Mike in their back yard during our photo shoot. Doesn't she look like a model?!

More to come...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Barn House Reunion

This is the house that I lived in for my last two years of college at James Madison University. We called it the Barn House, since it looked like one. Eight of us lived there together and of course, had many crazy adventures. We weren't the type of girls who got drunk every weekend and got into trouble with frat boys. We prefered to dress up in crazy outfits and go out in public, or go play pranks on our guy friends houses. We even banded together with another house of girls and thought up a "creative date", where we got to pick a date for another girl and then get the guy to ask her out on this huge group date. I remember wearing kaki pants and a flannel shirt on this date and thinking I looked pretty good. Flannel shirts and overalls were pretty much my go-to "cute" outfits. Which now seems pretty tragic. Although better than these little numbers. On the left is Michelle in a costume that I had to bring home and wash, and on the right, me dressed up as a "star", all clothing provided by the girls on my 23rd birthday. I did actually wear that out to dinner. In public. No wonder I couldn't get a date.

Dressed up "stealth" for our late night pranking... We look pretty tough, don't we?

Me, Courtney & Michelle in overalls on the stairs. Geoff (a true lover of the overalls look) took one glance at me in this picture and said with a smirk, "Ah yes, trying NOT to look sexy." Thanks honey. Unfortunately, I can't disagree. But I do have the ability to post some pretty "sexy" pictures of him with a haircut that looks dangerously close to a mullet, so he doesn't really have room to talk.

Michelle and Christy snuggling in for a nap on the couch. I think Christy's doing the snuggling. Michelle is mostly laughing at the idea.

This weekend we are all having a reunion in Austin TX at Michelle's house, since she is 30 weeks pregnant. Only four of the girls could make it to our wedding in June, since the other four were too close to their due dates to travel. So now all 8 of us, plus the 4 new babies are gathering for a much-needed reunion. Last time we got together was two years ago, also in TX when Kathy was too pregnant to travel, and her baby ended up being born while we were there that weekend.

Even though it's been nine years since we've graduated, and even though we are all quite different, and have likely become even more so in those 9 years, we all still feel quite a strong bond. There's something about growing up with someone, (and lets face it, we all do a lot of growing up in college), that really ties people together. I've often thought how amazing it is that among the 8 of us, we have dealt with some pretty serious issues that span almost every topic, and we're not even on a TV show. You know how TV shows will eventually throw in every issue under the sun? Well, we don't have THAT many and we're certainly not as dramatic as a TV show (well, Christy and I can be - the rest of the girls are quite normal), but I'm so impressed with all these women who have dealt with very real things in addition to all the really great things. It helps to know that there are people out there who KNOW you and have known you for a long time. It's like family.

Family in funny hats.

And so I'm see the girls, to meet (and get my hands on) the babies and to basically solve all the world's problems in a single weekend. Mostly with laughter, likely some tears (no way i'll get out of there with out some), LOTS of talking, maybe some wine and plenty of chocolate.

And I'm especially excited to get to Texas, since even if it's only in the 50s there, that's a heck of a lot better than the measly 7 degrees we're going to have in New York this weekend. Austin, here I come!

(Top: Christy. 2nd level L-R: Kathy, Michelle, Ali. Bottom level L-R: Courtney, Becca, me, Mary)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another reason why I love my wife.

Hey all, its Geoff again. I know, its only like my second post. Hey its my blog too, look at the title!!

So I had a little stomach trouble last night and couldn't sleep well and i woke up late this morning because my lovely wife had allowed me to sleep in without being disturbed because she knew i felt bad. Very very sweet, firstly. In fact you have to understand how I got to bed in the first place. You see, without asking, as she totally felt bad for me, Kate just massaged my shoulders because I had those flu like aches. Well naturally, her comforting manner and gentle touch had a great effect on me. I was out in seconds. In the Boka family we call that snake charming. So I say that Kate snake-charmed me. But that's not all. I wake up around noon because of the oversleeping that i rather enjoyed and needed only to find that there was a note by my bedside.

No sooner did I discover this than I stumbled into the office to find another note.

And then shortly thereafter in my groggy stumbling to the kitchen to find cereal I arrive at yet another note.

Yep, its these kinds of little things that despite battling a stomach bug, just make me feel super lucky to have married a great woman. Though I can't say much for her choice.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Years at the Bokas

We had a few folks over for New Years. 'Member that housewarming party we tried to have in October, but we cancelled it cause our plate was too full? Well, in our heads, this was kind of a combo deal, New Years/Housewarming. Which worked out quite well. It was low key, and FAR from the madness of Times Square, which is always what I prefer. We played Balderdash, and I basically crushed everyone. Not to brag. But it's just the truth.

Here's Minarik trying to explain something he feels is important. Clearly it must be, as Lee appears to be asleep.

There was food, there was fun, there was laughter, there were friends. Me & my oldest friend in NYC...we met a month after we both moved here in 2001. Lots of life's been lived since then!

There was LOTS of picture taking.
The Mills

The Girls (clockwise from top left: Megan M, Amanda, Christina, Megan O, me & Marisa)

The Hunts

The Bokas. The matching brown shirts, unintentional.

The O'Gradys. Please. Are they not the cutest couple? Possibly ever.

Waiting for the countdown

Happy New Year!

And then of course, the next thing I know, Marisa's in sweats and has started the first dance party of 2009. In my kitchen.

Please notice how Amanda's hair is a dance party in and of itself in these next pictures....

HAPPY 2009!